Things to stop immediately

Photo by @john_matychuk

It’s resolution season again.

Resolution season is in full swing, and pretty much everyone I know is taking some fitness oath or vow of abstinence or temperance or peanut-butter-free living or something.

And although I firmly believe that making resolutions while living in the spectre of a global pandemic and the type of existential angst that can only be brought on by being forced to live through the dark, cold, lifeless hell-scape that is the month of January in Canada is a terrible idea, I understand the inclination to make a list of all the things you need to start or stop doing in the year ahead.

So for everyone out there taking stock of the past year and agonizing over all the things you failed at, here’s the list of things to stop doing immediately that I came up with.

  1. Stop thinking you’re not good enough.

  2. Stop beating yourself up.

  3. Stop waiting around for someone to tell you it’s okay to follow your dreams.

  4. Stop waiting for permission.

  5. Stop procrastinating.

  6. Stop thinking you don’t have the right.

  7. Stop thinking you have nothing to contribute.

  8. Stop second-guessing yourself.

  9. Stop letting it all just pass you by.

  10. Stop letting money/fear/other’s people’s opinions hold you back.

As for all the things to start doing immediately, well, those can wait for another day. Like, in March, when it’s spring and signs of life start to emerge from beneath the snow, and you feel like anything is possible. Perfect time for planning stuff. Right now, get cozy and grab a blanket, pour a cup of hot chocolate, and allow some space for your dreams to come into focus.